Monday, October 12, 2009

paleo edits

For all of you who seem to be completely misguided in thinking I have 'it all figured out''s a good post for you.

I have been working hard on nutrition over these past few months since I returned from the CF games and started my training for next year's qualifiers. I had been doing solid Paleo eating and had that down...I thought. I decided to move onto working on zone portions (quality then quantity!). This proved to be somewhat more challenging.

Working with a spreadsheet and measuring foods, eyeball method mostly, I found that it was challenging to get to my exact "block prescription". However, there is a lesson here. It's a process! It takes time to acclimate both with regard to your physical body and your mind. I am still working towards coming up with that right balance. I started out with a base and have been making tweaks as per how I feel pre/ during/ post workout.

The saga continues this morning when I visited Robb Wolf and John Welbourn's PaleoBrands website (genius concept, btw) only to find the list of acceptable and not favorable paleo foods....whoops. I have been taking quite a few liberties with the not so favorable list.

For example...the preferred meats are lean cuts and game meat. Eggs should be kept under 6 a week, heavy cream is on the NO list etc etc. Clearly I have seen great improvements in my athleticism and my body composition/ energy levels even with these slip ups. For those of you embarking on this season's nutrition challenge, remember that you have to crawl before you can sprint!

I've been in the run mode for quite some time and getting pretty darn comfy there. It's time for some sprinting. So, I am committing today to picking up that pace and challenging myself to adhere to a stricter guideline to see the results it generates.

Many of you may be rationalizing and telling yourself, "this is her JOB, of course she is going to be like this". Everyone needs a challenge. Prove to yourself that you can step it up this month. See just how good you can feel and how close you can get to your optimal body.

Remember that weighing and measuring food sends people over the edge - don't do it if you know you fall into this category! My goal for the majority of you is simply QUALITY! Those of you still lying to yourself about oatmeal, wine and whole wheat...STOP! Trust me....please!

I'll keep you posted...

1 comment:

Tracey said...

WHAT?! NO heavy cream?! I thought the Robb was the one who said it was okay...?