I've decided to create a coinciding challenge of shifting my energy to be positive on a daily, hourly, momentary basis. Whatever it takes. At this point, the "eating cardboard" challenge seems like it could be easier! So, I hereby commit to doing my best to keep the up for the duration. Regardless of the stress or pressure life throws your way, you should not end up in a mood 'ditch'. It keeps good things from coming your way and is HIGHLY contagious.
Sidenote: in the same way, bitching about what you "can't" eat and how much you'd love a loaf of bread is contagious as well...Don't go there! Other's will join you and you'll responsible for the demise of 20 people's nutrition goals.
Have fun today with Tabata, this great pic from the affiliate blog today, very appropriate, the shirt reads, "TABATA: Closely resembles labor"

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