Friday, April 9, 2010

Be CrossFit Challenge - Coaches Team

Let the games begin!

Last night was a great moment when I stood in front of over 30 eager CrossFitters committing to 8-weeks of improvement. It was also awesome to have 5 coaches that are dedicated to each of their team members. Having a coach and someone to cheer you on, pick you up, give you tough love and keep you moving is crucial...

However, every coach needs a coach...right? So, here I am. I am so happy that I get the opportunity to push each of you as athletes. I am also here to help you find balance. Being an amazing athlete corresponds to your quality of life and eliminating stresses in your personal life.

Kick off is tonight. I decided to spice things up a bit. 545pm will be a wod. However, it will be a coach's benchmark wod...Be there. Regarding the rest of your goals, you will be receiving a protocol from me by Sunday night with regard to nutrition and programming. It is your job to figure out how this gets scheduled in your life!

Ready for 8 amazing weeks? Share your highs and lows, your pr's your shitty days, all of it with me. Share it with your team too - them knowing that you are challenging yourself and are in it with them is huge.

*Remember to use me and other coaches as a resource, be it for you or your team members!


Griffin said...

Hell yes! This team was a sick idea and I am looking forward to the coming weeks and changes. I'll get the benchmark WoD done tomorrow morning. I know I know... great start. Good luck coaches!

Unknown said...

It is opportunities, like this challenge, and people, like everyone participating, that make me more excited everyday that I found CF Motown. Being part of a community that challenges people to better their lives is something most people are really missing out on. And I am stoked to kick some ass. I'm thinkin I'll prob be about 3% bodyfat and cleaning 1000lbs in 8 weeks, so lets do this!! By the way, those are now my 2 goals.

Do we get a wacky team name too?!?!

We could be the "Pain Train", and every time you say it you have to pretend you are pulling the horn on the train and go "Here comes the Pain Train, WOOO WOOO"

Leonardo M said...

I literally tossed and turned all night – partially because i have this suffocating head cold and partially thinking about the 5 rounds of db presses and lunges - creating a perfect plan of attack - but then i get an email this morning (i should have known being in this constantly varied business) and I immediately felt like the methods to my madness needed to begin anew. However, I quickly remembered that one of my goals is to reduce stress - this is a perfect example of why i need this challenge - why worry about what i cant control? even after my initial trepidation at what the coaches wod might be - as im writing this, im newly excited about the possibilities - maybe its one of strengths - maybe its all of my weaknesses - irregardless, letting go this morning is a good first step for me. Thanks for allowing me to share this 8-week journey with you guys. (oh and P.S. – my team is going to win)

Pain Train - Woo Woo!