Tuesday, May 5, 2009


There is nothing like progress. I expect it, yet every time I experience it, I am caught by surprise.

I was looking at some pictures from 4 years ago, very much pre-CrossFit and it had me thinking about how much progress I have made as an athlete. It can be easy to get hung up on all of the areas in which I am falling short, be it my diet, strength, mental toughness etc. However, stepping back and looking at the big picture captures so much of the progress that has been made.

This past week was a window of so much improvement at Mpower. Squats that I worried would take years to correct, kipping pull-ups that people had written off as impossible at one time, rockin' times that had people going beyond what they knew as their limits. It was all more than amazing.

Of course, all of this progress begs the question, "What's next?" Once we start to see what is possible, it's only natural to look to even bigger and better things that might not have been on our radar previously. Progress is not only something we measure in weight, time and form. One of the biggest areas of our lives that we must be sure to make progress on is our attitudes and our willingness to become 'better'.

I challenge you to take a step back and look at the progress you've made, not only at CrossFit, but as a human in your life. On a personal note, here are some of my observations of my own journey:

- Coaching: I no longer refer to myself as a trainer. Coaching is an art that I have been developing for 10 years and will never perfect. Progress is knowing movements, form, corrections, faults, cues and motivation like it is an extension of the fibers of my being. Being a coach is not a hat you wear for an hour or two and then return to your other roles in life. It is a part of you and your personality that is woven in with the rest of what makes you you. Time, experience and a constant eagerness to learn is what accomplishes this integration. Over 10 years ago I had my first 'Personal Trainer' job at Bally's on Rt. 18 in East Brunswick, NJ. I would roam the floors of that place praying that no one asked me a question: "Look busy" was my mantra. Progress...

- Food: My first Starbucks drink was a "Grande Skim 6-pump Chai Tea Latte". For those of you who don't know what this is I'll indulge you. Chai is an extremely sweet concentrate of sugar (and some tea, I suspect) that is black and syrupy, it is then combined with the added sweetness of milk to create a drink that resembles something like liquid potpourri. However, the usual sweetness of 4 pumps of chai was not enough for me, so I would order 2 extra pumps in my drink of choice. "Sugar" you ask? You BET! I was as 'No-fat/ low fat' as they come and the less calories the better type of girl. Hunger pains equated to accomplishment. Thin was in. Happy? Energetic? Strong? Of course not! I was none of these things, just dazed and confused. This is perhaps my most proud category of Progress. Becoming focused on whole foods, eating to support strength and health is my current state. Balance and serving the body is paramount. Perhaps my current Starbucks drink will be a reflection of how far I've come: Tall Americano with a splash of cream. Fueling performance and health - what better progress could their be?!

- Athleticism: Where to begin???! If you assumed that no-fat/low-fat girl was a 60-min cardio type of gal too, you'd be right. I reveled in the fact that I taught, and participated in over 20 aerobics classes a week! Spinning, kickboxing, total body conditioning...you name it! Longer was better and strength was determined by the day of the week (back and bi's on Monday!). I will give myself credit that I was always seeking what was cutting edge and what would make me a better athlete. The progress was a journey to higher intensity, shorter bouts of workout, and more focus on strength. Finally, enter CrossFit. Mental toughness and unexplainable strength have been my progression. Perhaps the most progress I've made is the awareness that there is never a point at which you are 'strong enough' whether it be physically or mentally.

- Life: Here is the overlap. Life and CrossFit. Becoming more relaxed, able to handle what comes my way, up for a challenge, stronger. All progress in my life as a mother, wife, friend and business owner.

Take some time, revel in the progress you have made. What's next?